Thursday, September 7, 2006

To be a Good Researcher you need to be........

It is about now four months in my new job. I have started learning very basic but absolutely essential things which is required for a good researcher.
I hope this will help to all of you

To be a good researcher you need to be............

Professional: Till now, I was like a student even in my profession. Slowly I learnt that research should not be taken at the personal level.

passionate: Many people come and commit that we will do many things, we desire to do this and that, but is the passion and zeal, which makes a researcher to stick to its goal and aim

obedient to your higher authorities: Listen to them carefully, and try to question yourself, about their statement. Remember, they are more experienced then us, so do what they suggest

having fun: Research is a fun and it should be done with full of enjoyment

Meticulous: Always have a record of your work, be neat and tidy in the work place.

This is an ABCD.............. of the research, I have learnt till now. I feel that this follows through out the life of researcher
My this article is dedicated to my Director, who has taught me ABCD of the research, Thanks Sir, I will be grateful to you forever.

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