Monday, March 27, 2006


To decipher being a "self" is beyond the method and techniques of an individual's life. It cannot be achieved through any corporeal practices. Meditating for several hours cannot transform a self in to Buddha. Yoga for the time being, provide a relief to the "being", but it cannot make an individual to reach the realm of reality.

I question my self, how it is possible to cater oneself in the realm of reality, when we are burdening ourselves with the countless Karmas of corporate world?

Does this hidden power resides in ourselves?..............................................................
It is guided by someone else to reach to that realm..................................................?

Still I am in search of the answer,
But I am sure for one thing, Jatak irrespective of its "Karmas" tends yo meet the Supreme Reality one day. It is an eternal truth , once Jatak has entered in the Karma Chakra, it has to perform the task of Karmas irrespective of its type" Satva", "Rajas" and "Tamas". Depending on the Karma type, Jatak gets absorbed in an ultimate reality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O Thy Myself
"Wake up"
Decipher ur being
Not to Material
But to Spiritual

Elevate to THY
Blessed by Divine
Mitigate from Karma
Look beyond the particle
O Thy Myself
Wake Up....... Wake Up..................

1 comment:

Bhuvan Pathak said...

Yeah Uncle, from Biology pt. of view I can say, if our genes get mutated from Rajas to Satva, then we can say -Karma Chakra is powered through the Env. in which we stay